The Dou­ble Bass –
Our Passion

My de­cis­i­on to be­co­me a vio­lin ma­ker be­gan with the dis­co­very of an old dou­ble bass from a side room in the choir of Salz­burg Ca­the­dral. The fa­sci­na­ti­on with the sound of the­se lar­ge in­stru­ments re­mains un­bro­ken to this day. Even though ever­y­thing around us is con­stant­ly chan­ging, the craft of the vio­lin ma­ker has re­main­ed the same. This is how I fol­low my cal­ling – to crea­te new in­stru­ments and pre­ser­ve old instruments.

Kontrabass, Wiener Kontrabass, Viennese Double bass

Bas­ses from the „Sa­lettl“

Men­tio­ned in old do­cu­ments as “Ramsl­wirth” and built in the 17th cen­tu­ry, the old ta­vern of­fers the ide­al con­di­ti­ons for my work­shop in its for­mer guest rooms. „Sa­lettl“ is aus­tri­an dialect and me­ans so­me­thing like a big di­ning room, used for ce­le­bra­ti­ons such as wed­dings. It is lo­ca­ted on a side street in the Hal­lein sub­urb and you can park di­rect­ly in front of the workshop.