New Dou­ble Basses

In my 30 ye­ars of work, I have been ent­rus­ted with many in­te­res­t­ing and very good sound­ing bas­ses. In­stru­ments that have sur­vi­ved cen­tu­ries in a fa­sci­na­ting way and ra­dia­te gre­at in­spi­ra­ti­on. The to­ne­wood for our co­pies of the­se his­to­ri­cal bas­ses is well sea­so­ned. In­stru­ments from our work­shop are made ex­clu­si­ve­ly by hand and in the tra­di­ti­on of the re­spec­ti­ve masters.


Our co­pies ba­sed on ori­gi­nal in­stru­ments show up as:

4 strin­ged in­stru­ments for solo literature

4 and 5 strin­ged in­stru­ments for or­ches­tra, cham­ber mu­sic and jazz

5 strin­ged in­stru­ments for his­to­ri­cal per­for­mance in or­ches­tra or Vi­en­nese tuning

6 strin­ged in­stru­ments as an 8 foot Violone